Look around your office right now. Do you see a box or tub overflowing with returned mail? If so, don’t despair, rejoice! You are looking at a great opportunity to clean up your mailing list. Postal rates will increase again in April 2011. Using current, correct mailing addresses will save you money on postage. And […]
In 2002, Theo Epstein was hired by the Boston Red Sox and began using statistics to develop more meaningful metrics for evaluating baseball players. Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland Athletics, was doing the same thing in California. The next year, Michael Lewis published his bestselling book ‘Moneyball’, which revealed how the A’s, Red […]
Superstorm Sandy left 300,000 homes and businesses without power in our area, the Lehigh Valley of PA. Due to high wind and flood warnings, DataWorks closed early Monday afternoon so that all staff members could travel home safely. Our power was restored late Wednesday, but phone and internet service remained unreliable due to a problem […]
The visionary founder of one of our important clients has passed away, he was 88. Joel Spira invented the dimmer switch, which has become ubiquitous in most homes and is used by millions of people for everything from setting different lighting moods to saving energy. Most recently, Lutron has been instrumental in innovating motion activated […]
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change” – Heraclitus Here at DataWorks we love data and know that your customer data is in a constant state of change. In fact, we specialize in providing our clients with detail data analysis in the midst of constant change. For one Fortune 500 client, that manufacture building […]